TIDE POOL 葉山の公式ブログ

2016.03.16 UP
Tidepool – Wednesday with Michael
Hello Everyone! 
Today we were able to work at the farm...and now is the season to plant seeds!!!!  We are in a hurry to make as many seedlings before the rainy season as we can, and today we planted three varieties of plants.
First we looked at peanuts.  

The kids tried to guess what kind of seed they were holding, and once they guessed that they were peanuts, we shelled all the peanuts for the seeds.

We also looked at two varieties of corn, Black Aztec corn and Golden Corn.

Then we looked at two different types of squash, spaghetti squash and regular Japanese pumpkin.

From these, we picked out all the seeds for planting.

Then we filled pots and cell trays with soil.

After planting the seeds, we gave everyone water and placed them into the green house to warm them for germination.  Hopefully we will see seedlings within a week or two, and plant them in mid April. 

Hope you have a great week!

Best regards,
Michael Coach