TIDE POOL 葉山の公式ブログ

2019.07.17 UP
First Kids Lesson at Tidepools
There were 7 kids in the class aged between 8 and 10, 6 boys and 1 girl.
They were a very lively and excitable bunch and we had a fun lesson.
I always feel it's good to use the kids natural exhuberance and natural curiosity and there was lots here!

We started with basic questions, 'what's your name?', 'how old are you?' and 'where do you live?'.
By the end of the lessons all students were asking this series of questions with one student answering.
We moved onto using animals flash cards, generating questions like 'what is it?', 'what colour is it?', 'what does it it eat?',
'where does it live?' and 'is it dangerous', all with a lot of humour.

We learned and sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and all students made a good effort at the English words.
They also each enjoyed strumming the the guirat while I changed chords, so they could make their own song.