TIDE POOL 葉山の公式ブログ

2016.06.15 UP
Tidepool – Wednesday with Michael
Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this warm June. 
Today we had nice weather but could not go to the farm so we went to the beach and did some exercises.
First we talked about the benefits of exercise and stretching. 
We discussed why it is good to exercicse and how to make it fun so that we can continue to exercise into adulthood.

Then we stretched for a while and ran down the beach.  Of course, few of us were excited to run up and down the beach, because let's be honest, runnning for a long time is not necessarily fun, albeit healthy.

So we decided to try different exercises and parcour type movements along the rocky beach front beside the Emperor's home. 
Each child took turns thinking of a creative way to move and run. 
Some liked to climb while other enjoyed jumping. 

By the end of our trip, we were tired so we went back to TIdepool and rested a little and took turns practicing our balance on the balance board.

And finally, we played a short game of UNO. 

Have a great week and see you soon!

Michael Coach