TIDE POOL 葉山の公式ブログ

2017.07.27 UP
「せかい」 with Denis: El Salvador traditional food, Pupusas!!
Hola! Como estas?
Muy bien!!

Today we are very excited because we can cook and eat a traditional food from El Salvador!
The dish called Pupusas!

At the beginning we have seen by video to know the Pupusas.

And then we started cooking with everyone's help.

Everyone helped a lot to cook between all of us and we managed to cook 2 times.
It seems that everyone liked it a like it a lot.

Que rico!(Delicious)

We leave the recipe in case you like to try pupusas in your house.
Tortilla: Corn flour with water
Cheese: Mozzarella cheese
Pork meat: Fry pork with onion, green pepper and little tomato
Pickles: cabbage, carrot, onion, oregano, vinegar and water
Tomato sauce: Tomato, green pepper, onion and salt

Make tortillas and put cheese, meat or both.
Then fry it in the frying pan and eat it with the pickles and the tomato sauce!

Buen provecho!(Enjoy your meal)
