TIDE POOL 葉山の公式ブログ

2019.04.05 UP
Bonjour!! Hello!! こんにちは‼ 2019年度《せかい》クラス始まりました✨The 《WORLD》class for 2019 started!
Philippe Cleenen, an artist whose being he calls is a hybrid of an owl and a human, migrated from Western Europe to the land of Japan this spring,
partnering together with Akiko Kodama (Co-founder of Katachi no nai gakko) for creation of the NEW WORLD,
will deliver this class twice a month from this month.

In the first world class, we all drew pictures of "How I see the world" and shared among the class.


The world divided by continents and countries or nationalities and ethnicities is not the only world. In this world, many many different forms of the world exist unlimitedly...the world visible, the world invisible, and the most preciously the world that exist inside you!

The class drew without any instructions of what kind of world to draw. The finished draws were all unique and personal expressing their own world. Some draws sharply depicted the human world of today and impressed us the adults.


Next week, Philippe will invite us to the world of "the spirits of the forest" with clay workshop.
Throughout this year, we look forward to enjoying our Quest for the New World with you all!

Avec amour de Philippe et Akiko

With love of Philippe and Akiko

P.S. クラスはフランス語、英語、日本語を交えながら進めていきます! 新しいお友達も大歓迎です✨
The class will be in French, English, and Japanese languages mixed! New friends of the class are always welcome✨